Friday, December 27, 2019

The Reflection Of Ivy As A Writer - 1001 Words

Reflection of Ivy as a Writer As a writer, I develop more every time I step foot into the classroom. Over the years of learning how to write, I was not always confident. In fact, as of this current year of 2015 I am the most confident as a writer than I have ever been. This year I began college, where I am taking English 1101 with Professor Ricky Weaver. I have learned many different writing strategies in this class, ways to brainstorm, grammar rules, tips to avoid writers block, and so much more. Although I will continue to develop, I am proud of myself for reaching contentment in my writing ability. When I entered English 1101, I was such an amateur writer. I had become so accustomed to high school writing assignments, which are nowhere near as complex as college writing assignments. There was never any large standards for any writing task. â€Å"Write a paper and discuss how you feel about global warming, 2 pages long†, This is just an example of how simple a writing prompt in high school would be, no real direction. English 1101introduced me to more complicated instructions such as including a specific format, cited sources, using different research methods, and even extended lengths of essays. Before English 1101 I was not able to formulate thorough ideas for my papers. I did a good job at over-thinking and stressing myself out while attempting to write. Organizing papers, however, has always come easily to me. Regularly, I have been able to organize a paper accordinglyShow MoreRelatedEssay about Laurie Halse Andersons Speak 1277 Words   |  6 PagesBeast. She was to o scared and didn’t know what to do so she called the cops. Because of this, now everyone in school is disgusted and hateful of her. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

We Need to Pay Attention to Bullying and Cyber Bullying

Violated. Trapped. Afraid. These are the feelings of young victims of cyber bullying. Bullying has metamorphosed into so much more than face-to-face interactions. Now, children cannot escape the torture when they leave social situations. The torment follows them home and has transformed into words laced with hatred and animosity. Behind computer screens, the oppressors may remain anonymous, creating fear of the unknown. Unnamed and unidentified, these online bullies can instill terror in the hearts of those being harassed. These types of bullies, via the Internet, tyrannize children that choose to remain indifferent, children who do not have the desire or will to fight back against them. These children that suffer severe bullying not only†¦show more content†¦Anti-cyber bullying programs are greatly needed within schools worldwide. Prevention programs like the Olweus bullying prevention program are successful because â€Å"[i]n general, clear rules with enforced penalties a nd ongoing prevention programs were perceived as effective by the offenders [of cyber bullying]† (Kraft 530). Prevention programs are needed in all schools to protect students from any harassment over the Internet. School intervention and protection from cyber bullying should also involve training programs for all staff to be aware of the dangers of this type of bullying. Schools should be proactive when it comes to recognizing and addressing cyber bullying. Many strategies can be implemented by school districts to enhance the existence of cyber bullying programs. Methods that schools can use include providing staff training on cyber bullying, allocating class time on the topic of cyber bullying, and presenting clear rules and policies surrounding cyber bullying (Wong-Lo 322). All of these approaches to addressing cyber bullying in schools can be carried out by staff training and educating. Cyber bullying needs to be addressed more seriously in schools because of the increasin g importance needed to protect the students. Training programs for school staff can be provided by the schools to educate everyone from administrators to hallShow MoreRelatedCyber Bullying And Its Health Implications1118 Words   |  5 Pagesdays, the chance of getting cyber bullying has been increased as well. And this is because of accessibility to social media such as Facebook, Instragram and Twitter and widely spread of mobile phones. According to recent town newspaper ‘Cockatoo Rest News’, two teenage age suicides attributed to cyber bullying. In this report various section will be covered about cyber bulling. Since this report is aimed to increase awareness of cyber bullying and to prevent cyber bullying in Cockatoo rest, report willRead MoreThe Problem. 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Why the child is always complaining of stomachaches or other diseases in the mornings? II. If so, your child is likely to be a victim of bullying. However, you may not realize that bullying is a real issue that unfortunatelyRead MoreEssay on The Growing Epidemic of Cyberbullying1121 Words   |  5 Pages Cyber bullying has been around since the creation of advanced communication technology. In the last few years, however, this issue has become more common, more related to sex and most of all more dangerous. It has gotten so dangerous that children have killed each other and/or committed suicide after having been involved in a cyber bullying incident. 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New technology has made it possible for people to bully one another without even having to be near them. This is called â€Å"Cyber Bullying†. Teens are turning electronic devices into â€Å"weapons† by using social networking websites, chat rooms, text messaging, and even more ways possible. Through this they call each other names, demean each other, and even threaten each other. Kids are put in seriousRead MoreThe Social Problem Of Peer Pressure1659 Words   |  7 PagesCalifornia who are peer pressured into bullying by their peers and conforming to peer pressure that leads to Cyber-bullying and Cyber-crimes. Bullies are misinterpreted as perpetrat ors; however, they were at some point victims too and created due to lack of social intervention and significantly affected by the victimization by their peers. Cyberbullying: Through the eyes of children and young people, it acknowledges how bullying has entered a â€Å"digital era† and the need for professionals and adults to protectRead MoreCyberbullying : Cyberbullying And How It Is Our Job As A Society820 Words   |  4 PagesTitle: Cyberbullying Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about cyberbullying and ways to prevent it. Thesis: Cyberbullying is seen in everyday life and it is our job as a society to prevent it. Introduction Attention Material: Did you know more than 1 in 3 young people have received cyber threats online? Relate topic to Audience: Have you ever been a victim of cyberbullying? If not, think of how many times you have witnessed cyberbullying on social networks such as, facebook, instagram, twitterRead MoreThe Dangers Of Cyber Bullying Essay1059 Words   |  5 PagesIt is important to understand that technology has been the main source for these bullies to go from traditional bullying to cyber-bullying. Today, there is a significant changed because now teenagers own a device and have easy access to the use of technology. According to the Family Community Health (Kiriakidis Kavoura, Volume 33, 2010) it is stated, â€Å"these methods of communication cannot always be monitored by parents who may not be as capable as their children in using information technologyRead MoreBullying And Suicide : A Public Health Approach1025 Words   |  5 Pagesrecent years, we have heard more and more about bullying and the alarming effects it has on our society. Bullying is defined by the Center for Disease and Control (CDC) as â€Å"any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths who are not siblings or current dating partners that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated.† (â€Å"Featured Topic: Bullying Research† ) There are many forms of bullying, including but

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dr Faustus free essay sample

In Histriomastix, his 1632 polemic against the drama, William Prynne records the tale that actual devils once appeared on the stage during a performance of Faustus, to the great amazement of both the actors and spectators. Some people were allegedly driven mad, distracted with that fearful sight. John Aubrey recorded a related legend, that Edward Alleyn, lead actor of The Admirals Men, devoted his later years to charitable endeavors, like the founding of Dulwich College, in direct response to this incident. [3] [edit] Text The play may have been entered into the Stationers Register on 18 December 1592—though the records are confused, and appear to indicate a conflict over the rights to the play. A subsequent Stationers Register entry, dated 7 January 1601, assigns the play to the bookseller Thomas Bushnell, the publisher of the 1604 first edition. Bushnell transferred his rights to the play to John Wright on 13 September 1610. [4] [edit] The two versions Two versions of the play exist: 1. The 1604 quarto, printed by Valentine Simmes for Thomas Law; sometimes termed the A text. The title page attributes the play to Ch. Marl. . A second edition (A2) in 1609, printed by George Eld for John Wright, is merely a reprint of the 1604 text. The text is short for an English Renaissance play, only 1485 lines long. 2. The 1616 quarto, published by John Wright, the enlarged and altered text; sometimes called the B text. This second text was reprinted in 1619, 1620, 1624, 1631, and as late as 1663. The 1616 version omits 36 lines but adds 676 new lines, making it roughly one third longer than the 1604 version. Blank verse is largely reserved for the main scenes while prose is used in the comic scenes. Modern texts divide the play into five acts; act 5 being the shortest. As in many Elizabethan plays, there is a chorus that does not interact with the other characters but rather provides an introduction and conclusion to the play and gives an introduction to the events that have unfolded at the beginning of some acts. Along with history and language style, scholars have critiqued and analyzed the structure of Doctor Faustus and its effects on the play as a whole. Leonard H. Frey wrote a document entitled â€Å"In the Opening and Close of Doctor Faustus,† which mainly focuses on Faustus’s opening and closing soliloquies. He stresses the importance of the soliloquies in the play, saying: â€Å"the soliloquy, perhaps more than any other dramatic device, involved the audience in an imaginative concern with the happenings on stage†. [13] By having Doctor Faustus deliver these soliloquies at the beginning and end of the play, the focus is drawn to his inner thoughts and feelings about succumbing to the devil. The soliloquies have parallel concepts. In the introductory soliloquy, Faustus begins by pondering the fate of his life and what he wants his career to be. He ends his soliloquy with the solution and decision to give his soul to the devil. Similarly in the closing soliloquy, Faustus begins pondering, and finally comes to terms with the fate he created for himself. Frey also explains: â€Å"The whole pattern of this final soliloquy is thus a grim parody of the opening one, where decision is reached after, not prior to, the survey†. [14] [edit] Synopsis [edit] Faustus learns necromancy As a prologue, the Chorus tells us what type of play Doctor Faustus is. It is not about war and courtly love, but about Faustus, who was born of lower class parents. This can be seen as a departure from the medieval tradition; Faustus holds a lower status than kings and saints, but his story is still worth telling. It gives an introduction to his wisdom and abilities, most notably in academia, in which he excels so tremendously that he is awarded a doctorate. During this opening, we also get our first clue to the source of Faustuss downfall. Faustuss tale is likened to that of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and fell to his death when the sun melted his waxen wings. This is indeed a hint to Faustuss end as well as bringing our attention to the idea of hubris (excessive pride) which is represented in the Icarus story. Faustus comments that he has reached the end of every subject he has studied. He appreciates Logic as being a tool for arguing; Medicine as being unvalued unless it allowed raising the dead and immortality; Law as being upstanding and above him; Divinity as useless because he feels that all humans commit sin, and thus to have sins punishable by death complicates the logic of Divinity. He dismisses it as What doctrine call you this? Que sera, sera (What will be, shall be). He calls upon his servant Wagner to bring forth Valdes and Cornelius, two famous magicians. The Good Angel and the Bad Angel dispense their own perspective of his interest in Satan. Though Faustus is momentarily dissuaded, proclaiming How am I glutted with conceit of this? , he is apparently won over by the possibilities Magic offers to him. Valdes declares that if Faustus devotes himself to Magic, he must vow not to study anything else and points out that great things are indeed possible with someone of Faustuss standing. Faustuss absence is noted by two scholars who are less accomplished than Faustus himself. They request that Wagner reveal Faustuss present location, a request which Wagner haughtily denies. The two scholars worry about Faustus falling deep into the art of Magic and leave to inform the King. Faustus summons a devil, in the presence of Lucifer and other devils although Faustus is unaware of it. After creating a magic circle and speaking an incantation in which he revokes his baptism, Faustus sees a devil named Mephistophilis appear before him. Faustus is unable to tolerate the hideous looks of the devil and commands it to change its appearance. Faustus, in seeing the obedience of the devil (for changing form), takes pride in his skill. He tries to bind the devil to his service but is unable to because Mephistophilis already serves Lucifer, the prince of devils. Mephistophilis also reveals that it was not Faustuss power that summoned him but rather that if anyone abjures the scriptures it results in the Devil coming to claim their soul. Mephistophilis introduces the history of Lucifer and the other devils while indirectly telling Faustus that hell has no circumference and is more of a state of mind than a physical location. Faustus inquiries into the nature of hell lead to Mephistophilis saying: Oh, Faustus, leave these frivolous demands, which strikes a terror to my fainting soul. [edit] The pact with Lucifer Using Mephistophilis as a messenger, Faustus strikes a deal with Lucifer: he is to be allotted twenty-four years of life on Earth, during which time he will have Mephistophilis as his personal servant. At the end he will give his soul over to Lucifer as payment and spend the rest of time as one damned to Hell. This deal is to be sealed in Faustuss own blood. After cutting his arm, the wound is divinely healed and the Latin words Homo, fuge! (Flee, man! ) then appear upon it. Despite the dramatic nature of this divine intervention, Faustus disregards the inscription with the assertion that he is already damned by his actions thus far and therefore left with no place to which he could flee. Mephistophilis brings coals to break the wound open again, and thus Faustus is able to take his oath that was written in his own blood. edit] Wasting his skills Faustus begins by asking Mephistophilis a series of science-related questions. However, the devil seems to be quite evasive and finishes with a Latin phrase, Per inoequalem motum respectu totius (through unequal motion with respect to the whole thing). This sentence has not the slightest scientific value, thus giving the impression that M ephistophilis is untrustworthy. Two angels, one good and one bad, appear to Faustus: the good angel urges him to repent and revoke his oath to Lucifer. This is the largest fault of Faustus throughout the play: he is blind to his own salvation. Though he is told initially by Mephistophilis to leave these frivolous demands, Faustus remains set on his souls damnation. Lucifer brings to Faustus the personification of the seven deadly sins. Faustus fails to see them as warnings and ignores them. From this point until the end of the play, Faustus does nothing worthwhile, having begun his pact with the attitude that he would be able to do anything. Faustus appears to scholars and warns them that he is damned and will not be long on the earth. He gives a speech about how he is damned and eventually seems to repent for his deeds. Mephistophilis comes to collect his soul, and we are told that he exits back to hell with him. [edit] Damnation or salvation The text leaves Faustuss final confrontation with Mephistophilis offstage, and his final fate obvious. The scene following begins with Faustuss friends discovering his clothes strewn about the stage: from this they conclude that Faustus was damned. However, his friends decide to give him a final party, a religious ceremony that hints at salvation. The discovery of the clothes is a scene present only in the later B text of the play — in the earlier version of the play devils carry Faustus off the stage. [15] [edit] The Calvinist/anti-Calvinist controversy The theological implications of Doctor Faustus have been the subject of considerable debate throughout the last century. Among the most complicated points of contention is whether the play supports or challenges the Calvinist doctrine of absolute predestination, which dominated the lectures and writings of many English scholars in the latter half of the sixteenth century. According to Calvin, predestination meant that God, acting of his own free will, elects some people to be saved and others to be damned — thus, the individual has no control over his own ultimate fate. This doctrine was the source of great controversy because it was seen by the so-called anti-Calvinists to limit mans free will in regard to faith and salvation, and to present a dilemma in terms of theodicy. At the time Doctor Faustus was performed, this doctrine was on the rise in England, and under the direction of Puritan theologians at Cambridge and Oxford had come to be considered the orthodox position of the Church of England. 16] Nevertheless, it remained the source of vigorous and, at times, heated debate between Calvinist scholars, such as William Whitaker and William Perkins, and anti-Calvinists, such as William Barrett and Peter Baro. [17] The dispute between these Cambridge intellectuals had quite nearly reached its zenith by the time Marlowe was a student there in t he 1580s, and likely would have influenced him deeply, as it did many of his fellow students. [18] Concerning the fate of Faustus, the Calvinist concludes that his damnation was inevitable. His rejection of God and subsequent inability to repent are taken as evidence that he never really belonged to the elect, but rather had been predestined from the very beginning for reprobation. In his Chiefe Points of Christian Religion, Theodore Beza, the successor to John Calvin, describes the category of sinner into which Faustus would most likely have been cast: To conclude, they which are most miserable of all, those climb a degree higher, that their fall might be more grievous: for they are raised so high by some gift of grace, that they are little moved with some taste of he heavenly gift: so that for the time they seem to have received the seed But this is plain, that the spirit of adoption, which we have said to be only proper unto them which are never cast forth, but are written in the secret of Gods people, is never communicated to them, for were they of the elect they should remain still with the elect. All these therefore (because of necessity, and yet willingly, as they which are under the slavery of sin, return to their vomit, and fall away from faith) are plucked up by the roots, to be cast into the fire. 19] For the Calvinist, Faustus represents the worst kind of sinner, having tasted the heavenly gift and rejected it. His damnation is justified and deserved because he was never truly adopted among the elect. According to this view, the play demonstrates Calvins three-tiered concept of causation, in which the damnation of Faustus is first willed by God, then by Satan, and finally, by himself. 20] As Calvin himself explains it in his Institutes of Christian Religion: We see therefore that it is no absurdity, that one self act be ascribed to God, to Satan, and to man: but the diversity in the end and manner of doing, causeth that therein appeareth the justice of God to be without fault, and also the wickedness of Satan and man, bewrayeth itself to their reproach. [21] The anti-Ca lvinist view, however, finds such thinking repugnant, and prefers to interpret Doctor Faustus as a criticism of such doctrines. One of the greatest critics of Calvinism in Marlowes day was Peter Baro, who argued that such teachings fostered despair among believers, rather than repentance among sinners. He claimed, in fact, that Calvinism created a theodical dilemma: What shall we say then? That this question so long debated of the Philosophers, most wise men, and yet undetermined, cannot even of Divines, and men endued with heavenly wisdom, be discussed and decided? And that God hath in this case laid a crosse upon learned men, wherein they might perpetually torment themselves? I cannot so think. 22] Baro recognized the threat of despair which faced the Protestant church if it did not come to an agreement of how to understand the fundamentals. For him, the Calvinists were overcomplicating the issues of faith and repentance, and thereby causing great and unnecessary confusion among struggling believers. Faustus himself confesses a similar sentiment regarding predestination: The reward of sin is death. Thats h ard. If we say that we have no sin, We deceive ourselves, and theres no truth in us. Why then belike we must sin, And so consequently die. Ay, we must die an everlasting death. What doctrine call you this? Che sera, sera, What will be, shall be? Divinity, adieu! [23] Ultimately, however, the theology of Marlowe and the text of Doctor Faustus remain far too ambiguous for any kind of conclusive interpretation. [edit] Quotations Faustus includes a well-known speech addressed to the summoned shade of Helen of Troy, in Act V, scene I. The following is from the Gutenberg project e-text of the 1604 quarto (with footnotes removed). Faustus Was this the face that launchd a thousand ships, And burnt the topless towers of Ilium Sweet Helen, make me immortal with a kiss. [kisses her] Her lips suck forth my soul: see, where it flies! Come, Helen, come, give me my soul again. Here will I dwell, for heaven is in these lips, And all is dross that is not Helena. I will be Paris, and for love of thee, Instead of Troy, shall Wertenberg be sackd; And I will combat with weak Menelaus, And wear thy colours on my plumed crest; Yea, I will wound Achilles in the heel, And then return to Helen for a kiss. O, thou art fairer than the evening air Clad in the beauty of a thousand stars; Brighter art thou than flaming Jupiter When he appeard to hapless Semele; More lovely than the monarch of the sky In wanton Arethusas azurd arms; And none but thou shalt be my paramour! Excerpts from this speech appear in the film Shakespeare in Love and the Star Trek episode The Squire of Gothos; it also served as inspiration for the title of Volume 1 of the popular Age of Bronze comic book. Another well-known quote comes after Faustus asks Mephistophilis how he is out of Hell, to which Mephistophilis replies: Why this is hell, nor am I out of it. Thinkst thou that I, who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal joys of heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprived of everlasting bliss? This quote comes from a translation of Saint John Chrysostom, and implies that Mephistophilis has both a deep knowledge of God and a desire to return to heaven. [edit] Themes and motifs One theme in Doctor Faustus is sin. Throughout the play, Faustus is continuously making wrong choices. His first sin was greed. Faustus began his downfall by making a pact with the devil. Doctor Faustus is a German scholar who is well known for his accomplishments. He grows sick of the limitations on human knowledge, which leads him to his interest with magic. [24] Faustus summons a demon, Mephistophilis, ordering him to go to Lucifer with the offer of Faustus’s soul in return for twenty-four years of servitude from Mephistophilis. At the news of acceptance from Lucifer, Faustus begins his years filled with sinful nature. Faustus feeds sin with his need for power, praise, and trickery. [25] He becomes absorbed in the way people look up to him, believing him to be a sort of ‘hero’. In the end, Faustus realizes his mistake in believing power will bring him happiness. At the end of his twenty-four years, Faustus is filled with fear and he becomes remorseful for his past actions, yet this comes too late. When fellow scholars find Faustus the next morning, he is torn limb from limb, with his soul carried off to hell. In terms of historical context, a major thematic idea is that related to knowledge and the quest for it. With Enlightenment thinkers demonstrating the extent to which the sciences and rational speculation could inform human knowledge of the cosmos and other pressing mysteries of the age, Marlowe presents the idea of hubris which undamentally relates to the search for knowledge in a religious age. Marlowe also draws significant attention to feelings experienced both by himself and other thinkers of his time: the unsatisfying nature of the answers found as part of this quest and the impossibility of learning everything in a lifetime as brief as that of a human. Satanism and death are also prevalent themes. Marlowe sets the story in Witten burg, Germany with Faustus selling his soul to the devil and declaring his servitude to Satan, Mephistophilis: â€Å"I am a servant to great Lucipher and may not follow thee without his leave. No more than he commands we must perform† (p 13 line 39-41). Marlowe shows throughout the play that his vow to forever be a servant of Satan negatively affects his life and how had he known what he was getting into, then he would never have made a deal with the devil. Magic is also a motif that plays a major role in Dr. Faustus. Faustus’s downfall began with his love of knowledge, which leads for his need to use magic. Faustus loves the praise that he gets when people view him as a ‘genius’, which supports his need to have ‘special powers’. 26] Faustus enjoys playing tricks on people by using his powers, and even goes so far as to use his powers on a dragon. He summons demons with magic, and later brings Helen of Troy to comfort him in his final hours. The use of magic is a show of Faustus’s ‘demoralization’. He no longer wants to be a mere mortal he wants to be as powerful as the devil himself. [27] One of the most apparent themes in Doctor Faustus is the battle between good and evil. At the beginning of the play, Faustus finds himself torn between good and evil, knowing the distinction and consequences of the two, but overwhelmed by his desire for worldly pleasures. Faustus’s desire for mortal satisfaction is personified through the seven deadly sins who all speak to him and tempt him. Nicholas Kiessling explains how Faustus’s sins brings about his own damnation, saying: â€Å"Faustus’s indulgence in sensual diversions, for, once being committed to the pact with Satan, Faustus partakes of the sop of sensuality to blot out his fears of impending damnation†[28] Another illustration of Faustus’s battle between good and evil is shown through the good and evil angels which try to influence his decisions and behavior. Kiessling says, â€Å"Although Faustus does not heed the plea, Marlowe very evidently implies that the chance for redemption still exists†. [29] Although Faustus recognizes the consequences of choosing to listen to the evil spirit over the good spirit, he cannot resist the temptations of the devil and the worldly and mortal pleasures he offers. [edit] Mephistophilis Mephistophilis is a demon which Faustus conjures up while first using his magical powers. Readers initially feel sympathy for the demon when he attempts to dissuade Faustus from giving his soul to Lucifer. Mephistophilis gives Faustus a description of hell and the continuous horrors it possesses. He wants Faustus to know what he is getting himself into before going through with the plan. â€Å"Think’st thou that I who saw the face of God And tasted the eternal joy of heaven Am not tormented with ten thousand hells In being deprived of everlasting bliss? O Faustus, leave these frivolous demands Which strikes a terror to my fainting soul! † [30] Sadly, his attempts fail with Faustus believing that supernatural powers were worth more than a lifetime in hell. Say he (Faustus) surrender up to him (Lucifer) his soul So he will spare him four and twenty years, Letting him live in all voluptuousness Having thee (Mephistophilis) ever to attend on me† (Marlowe 15) Some scholars argue that Mephistophilis depicts the sorrow that comes with separation from God. Mephistophilis is foreshadowing the pain Faustus would have to endure, should he go through with his plan. [31] In this facet, Faustus can be likened to Icarus, whose insatiable ambition was the source of his misery and the cause of his plight. [edit] Adaptations The play was adapted for the screen in 1967 by Richard Burton and Nevill Coghill, who based the film on an Oxford University Dramatic Society production in which Burton starred opposite Elizabeth Taylor as Helen of Troy. A stage production at the Greenwich Theatre in London in 2009, which was directed by Elizabeth Freestone and which starred Tim Treolar as Mephistopheles and Gareth Kennerley as Faustus, was filmed for DVD release by Stage on Screen. It played in repertoire with School for Scandal. [edit] Critical history Doctor Faustus has raised much controversy due to its interaction with the demonic realm. 32] Before Marlowe, there were few authors who ventured into this kind of writing.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Short War free essay sample

This paper discusses the Persian Gulf War, the reasons behind its inception, military history, and how the war ended rather quickly. This paper presents an in-depth look at the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991. The author presents a detailed history regarding why and how the war began and how it was ended a short time later. War is never pleasant. It involves people dying, lots of money being spent and anger on both sides. Nothing is ever positive when it comes to a war. America stays out of most conflicts unless it sees some nation or entity bullying another one. Then this country steps up to the plate and gets involved. This was the case in the Persian Gulf War. We saw Iraq bullying up to Kuwait , and we decided it was not right. We got involved, Saddam Hussein was angry at us for it and the rest went down in history. We will write a custom essay sample on The Short War or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Persian Gulf War meant many things worldwide and a coalition of 36 nations banded together with the United States to make a statement that would not be forgotten. It worked and the Gulf War was over in a flash.