Monday, April 13, 2020

The William Blue Ding Restaurant Case Study Analysis and Suggestions for Further Improvements

The Promotional Portfolio: Developing New Efficient Tools When it comes to establishing a new business, running a restaurant presupposes quite the same complexities and opportunities as any other kind of entrepreneurship (Garvey, Dismore Dismore, 2011). In the case study in question, the restaurant entitled William Blue Dining is being depicted and the various ways of improving its state of affairs are being considered. With the help of a range of adequate ideas, the company can actually become a great success.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The William Blue Ding Restaurant: Case Study Analysis and Suggestions for Further Improvements specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Promotional offer: choosing the right words To start with, the promotional offer has to be introduced. According to Smith Schulz, promotional offer is a range of services and/or goods that are going to be introduced into the target market and pro moted to the public (Smith Schulz, 2004). Hence, in the context of the restaurant services, the specific cuisine has to be promoted efficiently. According to the report in question, the major asset of the William Blue Dining is the fact that every single bit of food there is â€Å"live†, i.e., is cooked immediately after the client orders a dish. Hence, the promotion must be focused on offering â€Å"live† cuisine. As a matter of fact, the phrase â€Å"live cuisine from all over the world† can actually serve as a motto for the restaurant. Advertisement: let the world know about the restaurant As for the press release, it will be aimed at making the restaurant known even better by the people from all the continents where the William Blue Dining affiliates are located. With the help of an elaborate advertisement strategy, one can possibly attract even more clients to the restaurant. Hence, the objective of the advertising campaign is to make the world talk about William Blue Dining. As for the advertising strategy, it will be quite suitable to create a memorable TV and online commercial that will not be annoying, but make people pay attention to what William Blue Dining has to offer. Press release: concerning the technical issues The suppose press release will be aimed at making the restaurant popularity even bigger. In addition, with the help of a press release, William Blue Dining will cement its position not only among the general public, but also among people of greater influence and among press. Since the percentage of the North Sydney business public among the visitors of the restaurant makes around 25%, it can be considered that businessmen of higher rank can visit the restaurant and, thus, raise the restaurant revenues. With the help of the interviews of the latter, success is guaranteed.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More A T welve-Month Promotion Plan: A Careful Strategy to Follow However, every single business venture needs a plan. Without an outline the steps that need to be taken to promote the given enterprise among the rest of the people and make them spread the word about the delicious dishes served in the restaurant, William Blue Dining might be not quite successful as expected. According to Luther (2011), a good promotion plan is supposed to incorporate the information about the possible losses and the expected profit, providing the conclusion about the reasonability of the promotion actions. With the help of such a plan, one can decide how to make William Blue Dining a well-known restaurant. The forms of promotion: identifying the methods It is necessary to mention that William Blue Dining is going to use online and TV promotion, as well as advertisements in newspapers to make more people learn about the suggested services. However, apart from the traditional means of advertisements, personal s elling will also be used. The above-mentioned presupposes that William Blue Dining will employ the people who are going to offer passers-by coupons or leaflets about the restaurant, the dishes, the cuisine, the specifics, etc. Since personal promotion will help demonstrate certain details concerning the services (Lamb, Hair, McDaniel, 2011, p. 552), people will be able to learn even more about the restaurant’s special offers. Indicating the budget: a good use of money Since most of the restaurants offer dishes for $8 average, it can be suggested that the advertisement campaign should not cost more than the restaurants gross annually. Of course, on the one hand, a good advertising campaign can save the day and be repaid in several months or even weeks; on the other hand, though, the risks are quite high, and, since the entire chain of restaurants is at stake, it is necessary to use the resources wisely. Therefore, 20% of the annual revenues can be spent on the campaign. The ra tionale for time, data and medium Since most of the visitors are businessmen, students and elderly people, it can be suggested that the time for advertisements should be early in the morning, when elderly people are already awake, businessmen to work and students go to their colleges, universities or institutes; in the evening, when the elderly people, students and businessmen are at home; and (for the public promotion) around 1 – 2 p.m., when students and businessmen have some time to spare. As for the data when the promotion starts, it can be suggested that in some three weeks everything is going to be ready for the start. Finally, speaking of the medium, TV, Internet and public advertisement will be most suitable.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The William Blue Ding Restaurant: Case Study Analysis and Suggestions for Further Improvements specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The marketing promotion strate gy: summary The promotion strategy is aimed at capturing the target customers and impressing them. Customer Feedback Analysis: Learning to Listen Carefully It is important to keep in mind that the restaurant services will also have to take the clients’ ideas concerning improvements into account. Concerning the objective: the required information The clients’ opinion about the service and its possible improvement will be demanded. An applicable format: questionnaires and surveys For the feedback collection, surveys and questionnaires, as well as multiple-choice questions (e.g., â€Å"How do you rank the services? – a) excellent; b) O.K.; c) could have been better; d) awful†) and feedback cards (Restaurateur, 2010, p. 287) are going to be used.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Feedback forms and their use: comfortable and efficient The feedback forms are going to be printed in A6 size, written in 14pt. or larger font and written on blank white paper. Information processing: what customers need Once the necessary information is gathered, it is going to be distributed into several groups, namely, the complaints concerning the service quality, the recommendations about the probable improvements and the positive feedback. Thereafter, the positive aspects of the restaurant’s work are going to be perfected, while the negative elements are going to be either improved or eliminated. With the help of the given approach, William Blue Dining is going to become a huge success. Reference List Garvey, M, Dismore, H, Dismore, A D, 2011, Running a restaurant for dummies, John Wiey Sons, New York, NY. Lamb, C W, Hair, J F Jr., McDaniel, C D, 2011, Essentials of marketing, Cengage Learning, Stamford, CN. Luther, W M, The marketing plan:  how to prepare and imple ment it, AMACOM, New York, NY. Restaurateur, D R, 2010, Everything guide to starting and running a restaurant:  secrets to a successful business!, Adams Media, Avon, MA. Smith, S Schulz, D E, 2004, How to sell more stuff:  promotional marketing that really works, Kaplan Publishing Company, Chicago, IL. This report on The William Blue Ding Restaurant: Case Study Analysis and Suggestions for Further Improvements was written and submitted by user Lee Perry to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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